Elementary Classes
Kindergarten is an exciting year for both parents and students. It is a year of significant growth and the year children learn to read. One of the greatest measures of success for the kindergarten year is whether your child is ready both academically and socially-emotionally. For this reason we require a kindergarten readiness screening at Covenant Academy for all incoming K5 students. To register your child for an upcoming screening slot send us a message here or call us at 727-317-5526. SPOTS ARE FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE.
Elementary students begin the day with a devotion and Bible memory. They then have morning classes in Language Arts (Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Writing, and Grammar) and Math, with most grades having a short recess to refresh before Math class. The afternoon is reserved for Science, History, Art, Music, P.E., Computer, Geography, and other electives.
Students at Covenant Academy create a program twice a year to share with family and friends. At the spring Student Showcase, the K-6th grade choir sang, My Quiet Time Alone with God and highlighted project learning from Ancient History and Science.
Reading is a critical skill for students to develop for academic success and understanding. In addition to becoming proficient readers we want our students to develop a love for reading. Our Friday R.E.A.D. program allows students to interact with books in a way that is fun and exciting bringing to life history, geography, science, and art.
R.E.A.D. stands for Read, Explore and Discover.
The class schedule on Friday is divided into blocks of time that allows students in grades K-6 to engage in different aspects of a book. During the READ block, teachers read engaging stories related to history and science or simply good literature. With opportunity for read aloud time, students develop listening and writing skills, creativity, and reading fluency.
The EXPLORE segment of the day explores the book’s characters, character traits, setting, the author and illustrator. Through hands on projects students will investigate the art, music, science, geography and cultural topics introduced in the story during the DISCOVER phase of the day.
Mondays and Wednesdays are a full day of core classes and P.E. for students K-6th grade.
Friday students take assessments and participant in the R.E.A.D. enrichment program.
A book list is provided for each grade that details the books required for each class, optional books, and family resources. Covenant Academy has chosen R.O.C.K. Solid as our book vendor. Parents should use the book list provided at registration when ordering to ensure that correct books are purchased.